Zero Mind Set Philosophy

LSI has implemented the zero mind-set philosophy, which is central to all work done. The zero mind-set philosophy involves searching for methods, systems, technology and expertise which make it possible to operate without causing:

Personal injuries

Occupational illnesses

Damage to material assets or financial losses

Unplanned discharges

  • HSE/QA system LSI operates according to local regulations and applicable legislations in all its operating areas.
  • Our HSE / QA management system is in accordance with ISO 45001 : 2018 (HSE) and is certified according to ISO 9001:2015 (QA).
  • According to Lloyed Register, LSI is approved to carry out major and complex projects.
  • The management system in LSI prioritizes HSE in the weekly management- and department meetings and in the monthly board meeting.
  • The following key performance indicators are established to secure continuous improvement regarding HSE and QA