LAUTAN SURVEY INDONESIA or abbreviated as LSI is a company that focuses on Inspection & Certification in the marine, oil and gas industry. LSI is a professional company that aims to provide the best solutions with quality services and prioritise customer satisfaction, and always make occupational health and safety a priority in each of our project.

We are also very committed to being the best in Indonesia and changing the level of the marine, oil and gas sector in Indonesia to an international level, with this awareness and determination we routinely conduct research and increase knowledge to be able to provide the best solutions for the marine, oil, and gas industry in Indonesia

The above motivation encourages us to continue to work professionally and promote health, safety and the quality of the work we complete. LSI is supported by professional and high quality personnel who are experienced in our service sector. We realise that service is determined by knowledge that is constantly being updated and we also need to keep up with global technology advances.

Our Philosophy

We are committed to achieving zero harm to the environment, personnel, assets, financial income, and reputation.


To deliver world-class integrity service and engineering solutions that enable organizations to improve business efficiency and sustainability.


To be the leading global strategic partner in achieving optimal operational performance, maximum uptime, and zero harm through tailored integrity and engineering solutions.

  • We shall constantly device innovative strategies that minimize long-term risks.
  • We shall develop engineering solutions that ensure maximum performance, reliability, and safety in operations.
  • We shall design solutions that optimize production by reducing unforeseen downtime.


At LSI, we make our clients’ business goals our goal. With Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) at the center of everything we do, we are committed to providing innovative solutions that will propel our partners to higher heights.